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Rikki-Lee Hodge
Wellness Consultant

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I joined 3Minds Consulting Group because I saw how much 3Minds valued the health and wellbeing of others. Our shared values and a mutual passion for wanting to enhance people’s lives in one way or another complemented my love for wellness and wellbeing.


I am a physical movement and mental health advocate, and a firm believer in the power and value that physical movement and nutrient rich food has on the human body and mind. Few lifestyle choices have as large of an impact on one’s health as physical activity does.


This lifelong passion resulted in me obtaining a degree in Bachelor of Arts in Human Movement Science, and graduating with a Bachelor of Health Sciences (Honours) in Biokinetics in South Africa (Exercise Physiology in Australia). I am also a qualified Yoga teacher and Pilates instructor.


I have been in the health and wellness environment for over 10 years. I have practiced as a Biokineticist, personal trainer, yoga teacher and Pilates instructor in the private sector, and as a Wellness Specialist and Health Consultant in the corporate setting.


As a Wellness Consultant and Mentor at 3Minds, I meet individuals where they currently are, and use my knowledge in health, wellness and movement to provide a holistic approach to support them as they work towards improving their own health and well-being. This may be through personalised exercise sessions or a more holistic approach through mentoring, where we look at various wellness factors, such as nutrition, mindset, work-life balance, environment, etc. A new found passion is helping neurodivergent and NDIS individuals work towards their wellbeing goals, as I have seen the positive impact that engagements like this have on all facets of their lives.


I have experienced how important it is to be a part of a healthy community (both physically and mentally), so I set up and run the weekly 3Minds Walk & Activity Group, bringing like-minded individuals and movement together. For more information, head to our 3Minds Walk and Activity Group Page.














I am able to provide support through:


  • Wellness Mentoring

  • Health, Wellness and Wellbeing Workshops

  • Behaviour Change Sessions

  • Pilates or Yoga sessions (group or one-on-one)

  • Personalised training sessions

  • Online training sessions

  • Online training plans


Whatever your health and wellness goal is, I want to help you achieve it.


Get in contact if you would like to know how I can work with you either individually or in worksite settings to achieve your desired goals. ​

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Rikki's 7 Day Workout

Now available, Rikki's downloadable Ebook containing a 7 day workout program that includes cardio and bodyweight strength training to improve your movement and range of motion and supports you to build your overall:


  • strength,

  • flexibility, and

  • resilience.


Fostering a balanced and sustainable approach to fitness, this full body workout is designed to enhance not only your physical fitness but your overall well-being, making you feel stronger and more invigorated to expand your fitness journey!

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Rikki-Lee's Professional Background

Rikki-Lee is a physical movement and mental health advocate. She is a firm believer in the power and value of movement, mindset and nutrient rich food. For her, wellness is the integration of body, mind, and spirit. Her passion for health and wellness and desire to help promote the health and well-being of others, resulted in her studying Human Movement, Kinesiology and Psychology at the University of Pretoria. She graduated with a Bachelor of Health Sciences with honours in Biokinetics (the equivalent of an Exercise Physiologist in Australia), through the University of Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, South Africa. She is also a qualified Yoga and Pilates teacher and uses her knowledge and training to incorporate rehabilitation, meditation, strength and conditioning into her sessions, whether it's one-on-one, group based or in a corporate setting. 


Rikki-Lee has been in the corporate health and wellness environment for 10 years. She worked as a Wellness Specialist and Consultant at the largest open medical scheme in South Africa for 8 years before immigrating to Australia. As a Wellness Specialist, she and her team conducted hundreds of biometric tests, analysed the results, and developed personalised programs and behaviour change sessions to enhance risk management. She has worked in one-on-one, individually focused coaching, as well as group based behavioural change sessions and wellness workshops. She has conducted physical ability assessments, provided feedback on the results and designed preventative and return to work rehabilitative programs.


Encouraging others to adopt a healthy lifestyle is a journey that varies from person to person, and creating a network of support for healthy living is vital for the success of the individual, which ultimately leads to the success of the company. Rikki-Lee aims to make a positive impact by introducing healthy choices through wellbeing coaching and movement to enhance and protect these individuals' lives.

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