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Why I choose 3Minds

Updated: Sep 29, 2023

By Sam Jones

3Minds Lived Experience Consultant

As Jes Lock so elegantly maps out in the Venn diagram below, 3Minds interlaces how you think with what you know and how you feel.

We guide organisations to "think" about the solutions that we "know" can shape the way they will grow and thrive.

The “feel” part is about enhancing passion within organisations but also, it’s about what drives us at 3Minds and our very reasons for working our backsides off… this is where things get real.

We aren’t afraid to share from our hearts, we’re human beings not robots. Why keep things so clinical and soul less? Getting real means getting results.

During a cold afternoon in July, I met up with Chris, the founder of 3Minds for a coffee and a chinwag in St Kilda. Chris turns up wearing a warm, familiar smile, we shared a hug and she said, “Let’s talk about lived experience”. One thing I love about Chris is her direct approach mixed with the genuine kindness in her voice.

Instantly, we start to share stories about our lives, our traumas, our journeys, our reasons for it all, what’s lead to me being a lived experience specialist and Chris setting up 3Minds.

“3Minds is named after my two kids and me” shared Chris with the biggest smile, so content with her idea and so hopeful for their future.

This organisation is all about family right from the very seed of creation but it’s also about cultivating growth creatively.

It’s so easy for organisations and people like Chris to give lived experience workers meaningless tokenistic tasks for third parties to say “oh wow they employ those kind of people”. Another checkbox, right?

Well.. no. Not at 3Minds. This is an organisation that focuses on keeping things real, sharing what works because we’ve lived it, we feel it and we know it.

We don’t just spew out buzz words, we are dedicated to creating positive change.

3Minds focuses on the future. The future of your organisation and ours. Your reasons for working and ours.

3Minds, one vision – our futures.


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3Minds Blog Team

With nearly two decades of experience motivating and developing individuals, teams and organisations to exceed, 3Minds was established with a vision of helping individuals and business towards achievable and sustainable positive growth.


Established as a positive change consultancy, working with entrepreneurs, managers, senior executives and organisations across the public, private, and community sectors, 3Minds expertise is in supporting strategic business development and growth to achieve positive change results. 

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